viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

Mix Bag from December

December had brought some interesting birds:

Dec. 26 While birding with Osvaldo Quintero, Rafael Luck and Jan Axel
Cubilla we found a White-throated Thrush was seen atending a army ant
swarm beyond Syristes Bridge, about 11 km into Pipeline road. At the
same Antswarm where also present Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner, Russet
Antshrike and the ussual suspects of army ant swarms: Ocellated,
Bicolored and Spotted Antbirds, Plain Brown and Northern-barred
Woodcreepers and others. Jan Axel spotted a Chuckwillwidow, a lifebird for me!!

Later in the Day I joined Rosabel and Karl Kauffman, Randy and Grant to
a revision of Limbo area, we got a very cooperative Great Jacamar!
Dec. 29 Got and invitation to visit Mr Richard Bennett farm in Sierra
Llorona, Colon province and it is at 400 meters above sea level. While
walking around the garden of the house caretaker I saw a Ficus tree full
of red berries. I had seen this tree before and I remember how good at
atracting birds this fig was. First bird I got was a new specie for this
year: Rufous-winged Tanager. While I was making pictures of the
Rufous-winged Tanager I saw this "fat looking Plain-colored Tanger".

3 minutes later the bird was still there and started singing and hoped
to another branch. I found the bird again perching under the canopy and
made a picture. When I saw the picture the bird does look like a Plain
Colored Tanager but much larger. I think I missed the real bird! After
checking behaviour, calls and distribuiton I began thinking the bird was
a Gray-and-Gold Tanager which I have seen in Cerro Jefe!
Bay-headed Tanagers, Emerald Tanagers, Scarlet-thighed, Blue Cotinga,
Chestnut-mandibled Toucan and Collared Aracari.

Driving back to the main road we got a Red-and-green Macaw flying over the jungle of Sierra Llorona.

viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

Male Rufous-crested Coquette at Panama Rainforest Discovery Center

A male Rufous-crested Coquette visited the Panama Rainforest Discovery
Center. The bird was spoted by Marcial Caisamo who remember seen the
bird every Dicember since the Panama Rainforest Discovery Center was
open to the Public in 2008!
The bird tried to feed at the hummingbird feeders but its tiny bill was
not long enough to reach the sugar water!
Here are some pictures of this tiny jewel of tropical rainforests!

sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010

Quick Visit to Achiote-San Lorenzo area

Michael and Christian Gernez, from Sendero Panama and Venicio Wilson visited the Caribbean side of the Panama Canal to scout some birding spots and here are the most remarkable findings:
  • a very tame Yellow-throated Vireo in the garden at the mechanic who fixed our flat tire in Escobal

  • a very shy family of White-headed Wrens in El Trogon Trail, Achiote Road

  • a Black Hawk-eagle at Gatun Dam Spillway

  • a Crested Guan in the road to Fort San Lorenzo

  • Yellow-rumped Warbler

  • female Ruby-throated Hummingbird feeding in the flowers at the fort

  • a pair of Indigo Buntings (after 10 years)

Gatun Dam Spillways had 3 gates open and hundreds of gulls and terns at the spillway and at the river mouth.

We had at both places a large, dark mantled gull which I believe was a Lesser Black-backed Gull.

From fort San Lorenzo we watched for about 5 minutes a tern that seemed to me like a Bridled Tern: dark gray mantled, whitish narrow collard around neck, dark crown, white forehead, black bill!

Anyone going that way keep and eye in that area since they still release water that is attracting all these sea rarities!

Pictures here

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Congo Dancers from Portobelo

My mother family tree originates in Portobelo. This is just a little sample of their culture!

Bocas del Toro, my home

There is no better place than home. But when home is a great place the only think you could do is share it with your friends!

My love for the embera people

I am in love with the Embera People. Here is an old videos that I made years back. The music in this video is what really make me happy!

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010


I found and easy recipe to make naan, the hindu bread, and that lead to music and to a entire hindu party!!!

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Panama: birding with fun

After some nice 7 hours of taming my laptop and softwares I made it trough and got the video about the birds of Panama we have seen in 2010!!!

Laguna Negra: the fight of Peruvian farmers against the mining companies

Laguna Negra (Español) from Michael Watts on Vimeo.

Laguna Negra es una pelicula que revela los valores basicos de una comunidad campesina de Huancabamba (Peru), y de como esta sociedad ha sido amenezada por la mineria de alta escala y el resultado demoledor de imponer un modelo intensivo de negocio de desarrollo en una sociedad basada en valores tradicionales.


Bang! Short Film Festival 2009 (UK)

ION International Film Festival 2009 (Nigeria)

Festival Internacional de Cine de Lebú 2010 (Chile)

San Diego Latino Film Festival 2010 (EEUU)

Wood Green International Short Film Festival 2010 (UK)

Festival Internacional de Cine de Gualeguaychú 2010 (Argentina)

Ljubjana International Short Film Festival 2010 (Slovenia)

East End Film Festival 2010 (UK)

10a Muestra de Documentales 2010 - Prodocumentales (España & Ecuador)

10th Latin American Film Festival 2010 (Ireland)

London Filmmaker's Convention 2010 (UK)

Sembrando Cine 2010 (Peru)

Amsterdam Film Festival 2010 (Netherlands)

El Espejo Film Festival 2010 (Colombia)

6to Festival de Cine de Derechos Humanos 2010 (Bolivia)

Crystal Palace International Film Festival 2010 (UK)

GLOBIANS DocFest Berlin 2010 (Alemania)

Lateinamerikanisches Filmfestival: Imagenes del Nuevo Mundo 2010 (Alemania)

La Noche de los Cortos 2010 (Peru)

Portobello Film Festival 2010 (UK)

CINEMAISSI 2010 (Finlandia)

Native Spirit 2010 (UK)

Terra di Tutti Film Festival 2010 (Italy)

FINCA Festival de Cine Ambiental 2010 (Argentina)

Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Cusco 2010 (Peru)


Rights in Action International Award (Bang! Short Film Festival)

Mejor Documental Internacional (Festival Internacional de Cine de Lebú)

Mencion Especial del Jurado (Festival Internacional de Cine de Gualeguaychú)

Grand Jury Prize: World Cinema Student (Amsterdam Film Festival)

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

CIG Excercises!

Yes! I am back in school. In order to keep my high standards one must study to remember the basic and the new information about guiding profession and the information about Panama!
Enjoy this video about one of classes with Amy Lethbridge and Rick Morales!

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

Embera Tusipono Song #2 by Panabirds

Embera Tusipono Song #2 by Panabirds

Embera Tusipono Song #1 by Panabirds

Embera Tusipono Song #1 by Panabirds

Orange Poison Dart-frog

Because I do more than only birds, here is this video about my real favorite animals: FROGS

Oophaga pumilio is diurnal and primarily terrestrial, and can often be found in leaf litter in both forested and disturbed areas. Though brightly colored and toxic, these frogs are relatively small, growing to approximately 17.5-22mm in standard length. Males are extremely territorial, guarding small territory.

The strawberry poison frog or strawberry poison-dart frog, (Oophaga pumilio) is a species of poison dart frog found in Central America. It is common throughout its range, which extends from eastern central Nicaragua through Costa Rica and northwestern Panama. The species is often found in humid lowlands and premontane forest, but large populations are also found in disturbed areas such as plantations. The strawberry poison frog is perhaps most famous for its widespread variation in coloration, comprising approximately 15-30 color morphs, most of which are presumed to be true-breeding

Here is a video I filmed in Yorkin River area.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

New Videos from the migrating shorebirds in Bay of Panama.
You could see more in my webpage

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Venicio Wilson and Rosabel & Karl Kaufmann found this adult American Avocet in Juan Díaz on the late afternoon of Friday, September 10. The bird was on the future antenna field next to the future water treatment plant.
Later that afternoon, the group found this Lesser Black-backed Gull at the future Santa Maria Golf & Country Club.

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viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

Birding Western Panama

The last week I joined three different birding journeys in the western side of the country.

We first revisited the Velasquez farm two days with several members of SAP and got some more pictures, videos and interesting details about this seldom seen endemic bird.

During my visit in April they were hundreds of Brown-throated Parakeets in the forest edge and trees in the pasture, the same area that the Azuero Parakeets are using now, however we could see one single Brown-throated Parakeet in the area.

Itzel Fong pointed that some birds have a white eye ring while other have a browner eye ring. I also noted some birds with brown irises and some few had brilliant orange iris. One of the birds had a tiny blue spot in the forehead right above the bill. There were about 60 birds feeding at the fig tree; 4 times more birds than the previous week. The parakeets were doing a lot of grooming and pair bonding activities which we filmed.

I also spotted what I believe is a Brown-back Dove. If you are planning to visit Juan Velasquez farm, keep an eye in the area behind Juan´s House and the large nance tree near by the cabin Juan is building.

In the way to David Olmedo Miro and I visited Las Lajas beach and found a Muscovy Duck.

I later visit briefly the area of Boquete for some work and managed to get some nice birds: At Rio Cristal Mountain Lodge we got Sooty-faced Finch, Three-wattled Bellbirds, Slaty-backed Nightingale-thrush and Resplendent Quetzal. I have been visiting Boquete the last 10 years and I found amazing that Red-crowned Amazons are now visiting the town. Maybe global warming is extending the range of this specie up into the mountains.

During a visit to Changuinola with Jan Axel Cubilla and Rafael Luck we visited the channels in “Las 60” with great views of the Green-breasted Mango. At Finca 79 and the trail to the beach (the trail head is cover by dense vegetation) were we got the Dark Morph of the Green Heron, Streaked Xenops found by Jan Axel, Slate-headed Toddy Flycatcher, Grayish Saltator, Olive-backed Euphonia and Olive-crowned Yellowthroat.

Olive-throated Parakeet was seen in the forest beyond the rice fields in Finca Las 30. White-crowned parrots where seen and photographed at Boca de Yorkin in Sixaola. White-collared Manakins and a Black-throated Wren were seen at El Silencio, Changuinola. 4 Green Ibis and a bunch of Brown Jays where the highlights of the day at Chiriquí Grande. A female Lattice-tailed Trogon was spoted at Willie Mazu, Crimson-collared Tanager was next to the road and later an OrnateHawk-eagle responded to playback from a 3km distance.

We finished the day with a group of at least 3 Grassland Yellow-finch found by Jan Axel Cubilla at El Chiru, and a gorgeous Aplomado Falcon that visited briefly the fields.

Azuero Parakeets at Rio Playita, Mariato

Last Saturday Gloriela Archbold, Jan Axel Cubilla, Rafael Luck and Venicio Wilson as guide, visited the farm of Juan and Fanny Velasquez in the town of Flores, Veraguas to find the endemic Azuero Parakeet (Pyrrhura eisenmanni)

Juan and Fanny informed in my previous trip that the endemic parakeet visited their backyard during the months of May, June and July. According to Mr. Velasquez the Azuero Parakeets normally came to eat fruits from 8:30 to midday.

Yesterday 13 at 8:33 a flock of about 16 parakeets come to eat Figs at a tree next to the corn field in the Velasquez backyard.

The birds ate figs and nance that were abundant in the gallery forest next to Playita River. They move from tree to tree and gave us a magnificent show. I saw at least one couple copulating, some grooming and some birds offering food to others. This could be an indication of the beginning of the breeding season?

Here are some pictures and videos we manage to make with a shoot and point camera and a Kowa telescope. More pictures will be posted by Jan Axel Cubilla and Rafael Luck.
In the pictures you could see how close we got to the flock of parakeets. As we drove out of the farm we spoted a small flock of 6 parakeets. Acording to Juan and Fanny's daugthers the small flock come int he morning right next to the house.

Link to videos bellow.

We are planning another visit next week to learn more about this specie restricted to the hills of Cerro Hoya National Park.

Patel Birding trip: Darien and Veraguas endemic

We organized a private tour for Karalee and Ebrahim Patel from Toronto, Canada and here are the most remarkable findings during this 18 day trip:

We birded Panama City during our first day and got Cattle Tyrant after a thorough full search at Amador Coastway. We did a search for Blue-footed Boobies from Flamengo Island and saw one flying over San Jose Rock

De Birds of Panama

We spent the night at Bayano Adventure in Loma Del Naranjo, nearby Cañitas de Chepo where we got great views of White-winged and Cinnamon Becards; all 3 Anis; White-tailed Kite, Short-tailed, Roadside and Zone-tailed Hawks; Yellow-green Vireo, Pauraque and much more.

On our second day we birded Bayano Road and the trails described in the book “Where to find Birds in Panama”.

We got a Pearl Kite to begin the morning and White-eared Conebill, Black Antshrike, Rufous-winged Antwren, Northern-barrred Woodcreeper and Streaked-headed Woodcreeper. During the afternoon We visited the trail that is across marker 7KM where we found the Golden Green Woodpecker (Check previous report)

We later stoped at Rio Mono Bridge to look for White-headed Wren (We never found it during 4 attempts) Instead we got a odd looking bird that I called “Cinerous Becard”. Later during the trip we got better views and discovered the nest and reidentified the birds as One-colored Becards.

Next Day we picked Dr. Troy Brijbasi from Baltimore and visited
Birders View in Cerro Azul. Nando, who take care of the place and is an outstanding guide for the area, took us in the new trails and showed us briefly a Tawny-faced Quail, Tawny-throated Leaftoser, Rufous Piha and Ocellated Antbird. After our picnic lunch we saw
an Ornate Hawk-eagle gliding fast in front of back terrace. A Violet-capped Hummingbird was visiting the hummingbird feeders.

During our 4th day of tour We visited swiftly the Nusagandi Road. Weather was poor with constant showers. However we managed to listen carefully a Black-crowned Antpitta calling. We couldn’t stay for too long since we had to drive back to Tocumen International Airport to get Troy´s laugage and then drive to Puerto Quimba, In Darien, to catch our boat to La Marea. After a lengthy and hard day we got in the dark to La Marea.

Next day morning saw us birdwatching from the veranda of the shelter. Great Jacamar, Spot-crowned Barbet, Blue and Yellow Macaws, Gray-checked Nunlet and Black Antshrike were seen from the balcony.

We later walked the trails around La Marea and saw Ringed, Green and Amazon Kingfishers, Orange-crowned Oriole and Pied Puffbirds.

As we walked around the community I saw a raptor flying over the water. My first thought was of a Slender-billed Kite (Wishfull birding) However after some detained examination we concluded the bird was a juvenile Snail Kite.

The already famous Spot-breasted Woodpecker that nest in town was just calling from around. All of the holes it had made in the palm tree were taken over by Gray-breasted Martins and Black-crowned Tytiras.

Next day we walked to the Harpy Eagle nest. We made a stop at the first clearing near by Clemente´s home for Black Oropendola. Besides the Oropendola a Plumbeus Kite was seen nesting in the tree next to the giant Cuipo use by the Oropendolas.

After 6 hours of hiking we got to the nest and our guide, “Clemente” called in the eaglet. We heard Great-green Macaws but the forest is so tall and dense here that we never saw the birds.

During the night a pair of Crested Owls made it hard to sleep. Early morning a Sunbittern sang its metallic-ethereal song from the creek next to the camp.

After attempting watching the parent birds feeding the eaglet (with no luck) we started walking back to town. This time we birdwatched in the trails. Golden-headed Manakins, Ornate Hawk-eagle, Rufous Piha, Rufous Mourner, Speckled Mourner, Pale-bellied Hermit, Band-tailed Barbthroat, Black Oropendola, Yellow-breasted Flatbill made the list. Lots of other birds were only heard like Red-throated Caracara, Crested Guan and Dull-mantled Antbird.

De Birds of Panama

We left La Marea with no signs of the White-headed Wren (this became the joke of the trip)

During the boat ride we got a pair of Capped Herons courting, 4 Muscovy Ducks and some more Black Oropendolas.

During our drive to Bayano Adventures we stopped to admire a gorgeous Spot-breasted Woodpecker near Filo Del Tallo area.

At Torti Abajo we saw, Striped Cuckoo, Long-billed Starthroat and Jet Antbird

We visited San Francisco Forest Reserve in Wacuco with not much luck due to the rain and high temperatures. Royal Flycatcher, Golden-collared Manakin and Rufous-breasted Hermits saved the afternoon.

Next Morning we stoped at Rio Mono Bridge for another chance for White-headed Wren and instead we got a Black-collared Hawk (lifefirst for me), Streaked Xenops, Laughing Falcon, Green and Rufous Kingfisher, One-colored and Cinnamon Becards and lots of Cocoi Herons waking up from there rusting site.

De Birds of Panama

We later visited Ipeti Embera for Spectacled Parrotlet and Barred Puffbirds. The residents we spoke to mention that the parrotlets are not coming back since now everything around town is pasture land .

We drove in a recently cut road south of Ipeti and got a pair Barred Puffbirds perching in a Marie Heliconia patch. Also a Black-headed Tody-flycatcher, Long-tailed Tyrant and Plumbeus Kites were seen in the area.

After lunch we took the Pontoon of Bayano Adventure and sail the Bayano Lake. The biggest surpise were 2 pairs of Collared Plovers using the lake shore to feed. I made some crappy pictures using my scope and Karalee´s digital camera. We also found a Bare-throated Tiger-heron nesting in the southern shore of Isla Maje. The island is completely destroyed by agricultural use of land with the howler monkeys living along the shore of it, with very little chances of escaping to better forest.

The next day we drove more than 300km to the town of Santa Fe de Veraguas. Not much birding in the way but found a population of Yellow-crowned Amazons in town. I believe they are escape birds and it could be the beginning of a feral population. A Ferruginous Pigmy-owl and a Tropical Screech-owl called in the gardens of Hostal La Qhia were we spent the following 3 nights.

Next morning we visited the road from Alto de Piedra to Guabal. The raod is in good conditions for a 4x4. We stopped at several spots looking for the specialties but the best spot was the brand new ranger station of ANAM bellow the Continental Divide.

Sulphur-rumped, Flame-rumped, Dusky-faced and Tawny-crowned Tanagers, Rufous-winged Woodpecker, Tiny Hawk, Fulvous-vented Antpitta, Ornate Hawk-Eagle, Brown Violetear, White-ringed Flycatcher and a Cotinga where the most remarkable species.

The Cotinga I called a Blue. It took us a lot of reading and observation to concluded this. The bold buff color eye ring, the buff in the sides and edge of flying feathers where the points we use to called this bird a Blue Cotinga. The other 2 "blue" cotingas, Lovely and Turquoise, have not much of buff color in their wing or flanks. It seems like there are no previous records of these specie in the area.

In the way back to Santa Fe we walked 2 km into the road to Cerro Tute. Birding was excellent here with lots of highland common birds.

On day 11 we decided to visit again the road to Cerro Tute. Bird activity was not as impressive as the previous day, however we got some short views of a Black-crowned Antpitta pair, Orange-billed Nightingale-thrush, Scaly-breasted Wren, Tropical Parulas and a leck of Orange-collared Manakins that have no orange. Their rather seemed like Golden-collared Manakins. Vocalizations were recorded and compared later with the calls of both species and they sounded closer to those of Orange-collared Manakins. I played the Orange-collared Manakin and the males near by me responded to it. Anyone have a suggestion about this manakins?

After lunch in Santa Fe we drove back to Mulaba River. 2 hours of walking along the road and playing the call gave us a pair of Lanceolated Monklets. They fed freely at a little pasture surrounded by trees. We got videos and pictures. this birds never vocalized.

De Birds of Panama

Ariel Tenorio found a Torrent Tyranulet in the river while we made the pictures and enjoyed ourselves with the Lanceolated Monklets.

During our 4th day in Santa Fe we visited the trails suggested by the “Where to find Birds in Panama”. The weather was misty and very foggy. We got some nice birds such as Crimson-collared and Blue-and-Gold Tanagers, American Swallow-tailed Kites, Rufous Motmot, Spotted Woodcreeper and a little mixed fluck of Antwrens. At the end of the trail we got a Golden-olive Woodpecker over the house next to the entrance to the trail.

We drove then from Santa Fe to Palmilla, near Playa Malena, where we stayed at Hotel Heliconia from Tanager Tourisum. Hotel is great, the owner and host, Elisabeth Kees, is just a “bible” of information about Azuero and organized the visit to Flores for a chance to see the Azuero Parakeets.

Before getting to our rooms we visited the mangroves stands of Morrillo or Mata Oscura (the later name is more commonly used) We drove to the entrance of the estuary and found a single American Oystercatcher, some White Ibises and no signs of the Yellow-billed Cotinga. In the way back we got great views of a Mangrove Cuckoo.

Next morning and after picking accidentally the brother of our guide (they look exactly the same) we drove for 45 minutes to the farm of “Juan”. He and his family own some land contiguous to the buffer zone of Cerro Hoya National Park. The welcome was a great view of a Great-gren Macaw nesting in a giant cuipo tree.

We then walked to the spot where the Azuero Parakeets could be seen. After 1 hour they came by to fast and kept flying towards Rio Playita. We searched all the possible feeding sites with no luck, however we got great views of Yellow-backed Oriole, Black-Hooded Antshrike, Plain-breasted Ground-dove, Buff-rumped Warblers and a White Hawk.

After reading about the horrible experiences other birdwatcher have gone trougth to see this birds I could say that "Juan" spot could be the easiest since a high clearance car could drop you at only 300 meters from where we saw the parakeets. It seems that the best time is early in the morning. Juan told us that this year, for some reason the parakeets are not coming down the mountains. We saw a group of 4.

We planned a second visit in the afternoon. During the early afternoon we visited the mangrove area near to the Southwest of El Cruce de Cacao near to Arenas. We spoke to the locals and they mention they have seen the “very white bird” in the mangrove. I guest the Yellow-billed Cotinga comes seasonally to the area.

During our second attempt to see the Azuero Parakeets the weather was not the best and the Parakeets did not showed anymore.

During day 14 we drove to Aguadulce found a Hotel and after lunch visited El Cope National Park.

De Birds of Panama
Aplomado Falcon was spot by Ariel Tenorio near by the entranco to Ocú road.
Targets in El Cope were the Bare-necked Umbrellabird and Yellow-eared Toucanet. We found the Toucanets easily in La Rica Trail. An Orange-bellied Trogon gave us the welcome to this trail

Golden-olive Woodpeckers where seen at the visitors center. The road to this park is horrible and very soon would be impassable.

Day 15 and last got us picking Jose Perez from El Valle de Anton. We had a very short list of “needs”: Grassland Yellow-finch.

Ariel Tenorio saw some yellowish birds flying 300-400 meters away and with the scope we noticed they were 4 Grassland Yellow-finches. They chased each other all over the pasture land and make it difficult to photograph but after some time we managed to get some nice decent pics using my new telescope and Karalee´s digital camera.

Later we visited Juan Hombron area where we saw, hundreds of waterbirds and a very loyal Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture.

Pictures of the trip here

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lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Por que Me gustan Las Aves.

Toda la vida me han encantado las aves y la naturaleza en especial. Para muchos soy un loco. Para mi soy bien "&"% loco. Este video me hizo sentir tan familiar que decidi postearlo.